About us

founders of Indigena - Marek & Jola Kryda
Marek Kryda
Marek Kryda (b. 1958) - journalist, involved in making the following documentaries "Pig Business" (Great Britain, 2008) & "Obcy gen" (Poland, 2010); Polish environmentalist, activist for animal welfare, specialist in the field of environment protection and agriculture. Spokesperson on topics related to shale gas, factory farming and GMO. Involved in the parliamentary legislature work on the environment protection and animal welfare. Active in initiating the movement for the protection of the primival Bialowieza Forest - now  the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Jola Kryda
Jola Kryda (b. 1961) - teacher and translator,
translated many text on the environmental protection and animal welfare from English; involved in preparing Polish & Romanian versions of the documentary "Pig Business"
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBYQly4ediM or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALHBLnflm0U & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLT2HRl3-44) ; prepared Polish version of the documentary „Svineriget i øst” (Denmark, DR TV 2007);

Hobby: Gdansk, Gdynia & Sopot history. An active city guide.